
Friday, November 19, 2010

Menari ditengah Hujan

For share..

Pagi itu klinik sangat sibuk. Waktu menunjukan pk 09:30. Terlihat seorang kakek berusia 70-an datang ke klinik itu untuk membuka jahitan pada luka di ibu-jarinya. Seorang perawat menyiapkan berkasnya dan memintanya menunggu sebab semua dokter masih sibuk dan mungkin baru dapat menanganinya 1 jam lagi.

Sewaktu menunggu,kakek itu nampak gelisah. Sebentar-bentar ia melirik ke arloji yang ia kenakan. Perawat itupun merasa kasihan,jadi ketika sedang luang perawat itu menyempatkan diri untuk memeriksa lukanya,dan nampaknya sudah cukup baik kering,tinggal membuka jahitan dan memasang perban baru. Pekerjaan yang tidak terlalu sulit, sehingga  atas persetujuan dokter,perawat itu melakukannya sendiri.

Sambil menangani lukanya,perawat itu menanyakan pada kakek itu apakah ia memilika janji lain shg tampak tergesa-gesa. Kakek itu menjawab tidak,ia hanya hendak pergi ke panti jompo untuk makan siang bersama istrinya seperti yang biasa ia lakukan sehari-hari. Ia menceritakan bahwa istrinya sudah lama di rawat disana karena penyakit alzheimer yang di deritanya. Perawat itupun bertanya apakah istinya akan marah apabila ia datang terlambat.
Dan kakek itupun menjawab bahwa istrinya sudah tidak dapat mengenalinya lagi sejak 5 tahun terakhir. Perawat itu terkejut dan berkata "Dan Bapak masih pergi kesana setiap hari walaupun istri Bapak tidak mengenali Bapak lagi?" Kakek itu tersenyum dan sambil menepuk tangan perawat itu ia berkata "Dia memang tidak mengenal saya,tapi saya masih mengenalinya bukan?"
Perawat itu terus menahan air mata sampai akhirnya kakek itu pergi. "Cinta Kasih seperti itulah yang kumau dalam hidupku"

Cinta yang sesungguhnya tidak bersifat fisik/romantis. Cinta sejati adalah menerima apa adanya yang terjadi saat ini,yang sudah terjadi,yang akan terjadi,dan yang tidak akan pernah terjadi.
Cerita ini ingin menyampaikan satu pesan penting : Orang yang paling berbahagia tidaklah harus memiliki segala sesuatu yg terbaik,mereka hanya berbuat yang terbaik dengan apa yang mereka miliki. "Hidup bukanlah perjuangan menghadapi badai,tapi bagaimana tetap menari di tengah hujan.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Is there any time for GOD?

Everyday is a busy day!!Seperti itulah kenyataan yang kita hadapi saat ini. Dari pagi sampe ketemu pagi lagi ada aja yang dikerjain.. 1 hari, 24 jam, 1440 menit, 8640 detik..

Kalau kita runutkan mungkin seperti ini..

Aktifitas pagi hari
Mungkin orang2 bangun jam 5 pagii terus mandi, gosok gigi, sarapan terus mulai berangkat ke sekolah, kuliah, kantor,dll. Menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di jalan karena Jakarta macet..-.-"

Aktifitas siang hari
Para pelajar dan mahasiswa udh jelas sibuk belajar, mendengarkan guru, bersenda gurau dengan teman. Bagi para pekerja kantor yah bergelut dengan kertas-kertas kerja, komputer dan laptop menyala, entertain klient, sesekali chatting dengan temen di laptopnya.

Aktifitas sore hari
Yap para mahasiswa sibuk ber-refreshing ria baik di mall atau resto bersama teman-teman atau pasangannya. Pekerja kantoran yeah kadang harus menerima nasib lembur karena pekerjaan yang menggunung...Atau bagi yang tidak lembur mungkin memilih pulang dan menghabiskan waktu minimal sejam dijalan XD~~

Aktifitas malam hari
Akhirnya semua kembali ke rumahhh :D Eh tapi tidak sampai disitu saja aktifitas mereka berhenti. Kadang masih harus sibuk mengerjakan tugas, pekerjaan kantor, atau belajar untuk ujian. Atau yang sudah punya pacar akan sibuk menelepon pacarnya hingga malam atau sekedar chatting atau online facebook dan maen game..Ahhh udah malem aja masih sibuk semua yah..

Ups udah tengah malam jadi udah harus tidur dehh besok kan bangun pagiii...Xp~

Itukah rutinitas anda setia harinya? Kalau iya sepertiny anda sudah melupakan sesuatu. Tidak terlihat adanya interaksi dengan Tuhan. Tidak sedetikpun sepertinya. Semua yang kita lakukan seperti hanya berfokus pada diri kita sendiri dan kesenangan duniawi saja.

Tidak ada ucapan syukur kita di pagi hari atas nafas kehidupan yang masih boleh kita hirup. Tidak ada rasa syukur kita atas pekerjaan yang masih kita miliki saat ini. Tidak ada juga rasa terima kasih kita atas berkat yang Dia berikan sepanjang hari ini.

Terlalu sibukkah kita untuk ingat padaNya?

Tahukah anda Tuhan itu sebenarnya juga sibuk. Setiap hari Dia sibuk memperhatikan setiap umatNya. Menjaga mereka dan menyertai sepanjang hari mereka. Menjauhkan mereka dari bahaya dan kesulitan. Memberkati setiap usaha dan kegiatanya.

Jadi Tuhan juga sibuk kan. Tapi bedanya Dia sibuk untuk kita. Tapi bahkan tidak ada waktu kita sediktpun untukNya. Dari 24 jam yang boleh Dia berikan untuk kita dalam satu hari. Adakah seperduaempatnya kita berikan untukNya?

Dia hanya rindu kita datang kepadaNya, bercakap-cakap dengan Dia. Dia tetap setia menunggu sampai saat pintu hati kita terbuka untukNya. Maukah kita sekarang menjawab panggilanNya?

When you found there's no one to talk to, always remember that God is always ready to listen

Friday, August 13, 2010

You dont know what you have 'till you lose it

"Nice Quote!!" mungkin kata-kata itulah yang akan dilontarkan setiap orang yang mendengarnya..Tapi apa mereka benar-benar memahami maksud kata-kata ini? Akupun begitu. Mudeng koq maksudnya tapi prakteknya belum tentu bisa. Yah kan udah dibilang klo belom kehilangan makanya ga bakal ngerti.

Terkadang aku bertanya pada diriku. Apasih yang aku miliki di dunia ini? Keluarga, rumah, uang, harta, pasangan, ataukah jabatan? Ups NOPE!! Tidak ada ternyata. Tidak satupun yang kusebutkan benar. Jadi aku tidak punya apa-apa dong. Tapi Tuhan tidak begitu saja membiarkan kita tidak membawa apa-apa, hanya "Hati" kitalah yang kita miliki saat kita boleh hadir di dunia ini.

Lalu apa maksud segala ocehan panjang lebarku di atas dengan judul artikel ini? Toh udah jelas tadi bilangnya kita ga punya apa-apa kan..Memang semua hal yang saat ini kita miliki bukan semata-mata milik pribadi. Semua yang kita punya harus kita sadari adalah titipan Tuhan. Yah Tuhan saking baiknya sama kita, Dia tahu kita ga punya apa-pa maka dari itu Dia berikan banyak hal buat kita. Keluarga, pekerjaan, Jabatan dan karir, uang, harta, pasangan, anak,dll,dst...itu semua adalah titipan Tuhan buat kita. Dia ingin kita menjaga dan memeliharanya dengan baik. Karena sewaktu-waktu apabila Dia merasa kita sudah tidak pantas memilikinya lagi dan ingin mengambil semua itu dari kita toh kita harus ikhlas. Karena memang semua itu milikNya.

Kadang kita dianugerahi keluarga yang begitu baik dan utuh. Seorang ayah yang bijaksana, seorang Ibu yang penyayang, seorang saudara yang baik malah disia-siakan begitu saja. Tidak perduli dengan nasehat orang tuanya, bukannya menjadi anak yang berbakti malah terus-menerus menyakiti kedua hati orang tuanya. Namun setelah keluarganya diambil oleh Tuhan barulah kita menyadari betapa berarti mereka semua.

Kita yang saat ini diberikan kehidupan yang layak dengan uang dan harta berlimpah malah tidak menghargai semuanya itu. Berfoya-foya dan menghambur-hamburkan uang titipan Tuhan hanya demi kenikmatan sendiri. Bukannya digunakan untuk membantu orang lain atau beramal dan perbuatan baik lainnya. Saat usahanya bangkrut dan semua harta dan uangnya ludes barulah kita sadar bahwa selama ini kita tidak memanfaatkan uangnya dengan baik.

Bagi mereka yang memiliki pasangan (pacar/suami/istri) terkadang bukannya membahagiakan pasangan mereka namun malah sering kali menyakitinya, dengan alasan yang katanya cinta. Padahal cinta itu tidak pernah menyakiti malahan seharusnya membahagiakan bukan? Sampai suatu saat pasangannya itupun pergi dari kehidupan kita barulah kita menyadari apa arti mereka dalam hidup kita. Tuhan tidak pernah ingin miliknya disia-siakan dan tidak dipelihara dengan baik. Baik itu berupa materi maupun bukan. Saat Dia merasa kita tidak mampu menjaga titipanNya lagi maka Dia akan mengambilnya dari kita. Dan saat itu juga kita baru menyadari semua yang kita miliki itu berharga. Sesuatu yang tadinya kita sia-siakan.

Hal seperti inipun seringkali aku alami. Aku tidak bisa menjaga apa yang menjadi titipan Tuhan untukku. Dan kemudian Dia mengambilnya dariku. Sulit memang kehilangan sesuatu namun aku tahu saat Tuhan melakukan itu Dia ingin aku belajar. Dia ingin aku lebih menghargai semua hal yang ada dihidupku. Namun aku percaya saat waktunya sudah tepat dan Tuhan merasa aku sanggup Dia akan memberikan hal yang jauh lebih indah.

Jadi dengan semua hal yang masih kau miliki saat ini syukurilah dan sayangilah karena kau tidak akan pernah tahu kapan milikmu akan diambil daripadamu!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Menggenggam terlalu kuat

Aku iri kepada Siang. Ia tak pernah ingin menggenggam matahari. Tak pernah ingin meredupkannya.Siang pula yang membiarkan matahari bersinar begitu angkuhnya. Yang tanpa membatasinya. Semua orang pun tahu, siang adalah pemiliknya.

Aku pun iri terhadap malam. Lihat betapa ia selalu merasa cukup dengan sinar yang ditawarkan bulan. Ia bahkan terkadang membiarkan bulan bersenda gurau bersama bintang. Lalu ada masa dimana ia pekat tanpa cahaya. Tapi ia setia menanti. Menanti cahaya yang bahkan tak mampu sepertiga saja membuatnya benderang.

Dan sungguh aku iri tehadap pagi. Yang dengan kesederhanaan kicau burung mampu membuat hari dimulai dengan lebih indah. Pun Kepada senja....yang mampu menetramkan setiap hati yang lelah. Dengan keindahannya lalu membius kita untuk sejenak menikmatinya.
Juga terhadap rintikan hujan. Yang turun menyirami tanah kering tanpa berharap tanah itu membalas apa yang telah dilakukannya

Aku iri terhadap mereka. Yang bisa begitu tulus menjalankan peran dan menjaga semua yang telah dititipkan Tuhan. Yang tak pernah meminta lebih dari apa yang pantas didapatkannya. Yang selalu bersyukur untuk apa yang bisa dimilikinya. Yang tak pernah ingin menggenggam terlalu erat semua yang berada dalam genggamnya.

Sementara bisa kau lihat aku. Aku yang katanya tulus mencintaimu. Tapi berharap kadar sama bisa kau berikan jua padaku. Yang tersimpan beribu sayang dalam hatiku. Tapi perlahan sangat ingin meredupkanmu. Tak rela sinarmu ternikmati mata yang lain. Bahkan semakin kuat aku menggenggammu. Mengikatkan tali yang membatasimu. Menyempitkan semua ruang dalam gerakmu. Hingga sempat kau sesak karenanya. Lalu begitu ingin melepaskan diri.

Karna aku mungkin tahu tapi pura pura tak tahu...
Bahwa segala sesuatu yang digenggam terlalu kuat
Maka sekuat itulah dia pun akan selalu mencari jalan untuk melepaskan diri dari ikatannya...

Sumber :

Monday, April 26, 2010

Food Review : Spicy Noodle "Abang Adek"

For those who loves noodle and spicy so much

Who loves spicy food here raise your hand, please. I'm bringing a special menu for all of spicy lovers.. From my friend info, I found a place that served a spicy kind of menu. This menu maybe usual and you can even cook it your self. Voila "Indomie" or people called it noodles.

I really curious about this too so I decided to go there at Jl. Mandala Utara behind Roxy Square. You can find a stand with a big banner read "Indomie Abang Adek"

So what's special in this Indomie menu? As you can see at this photo below, I ordered their best choice Indomie goreng telor kornet pedas mampus, that's how they called it. In this place they separated the spiciness level like : sedang, pedas, gila, garuk, and the last is mampus

Actually I'm into spicy, but I don't think I can handle too much spicy like this. So I just order both fried noodle (indomie goreng) and boiled noodle (indomie kuah). For the spiciness level, I tried the highest level (pedes mampus) for the fried one and medium level (pedes) for the boiled one.

I took some pictures for you

Based on the seller, Indomie pedes mampus (the highest level) contains more than 100 chili. For me, it taste like 10% noodles and 90% chili. I have to drink my ice tea and cold milk every one minutes i think. Really can't handle this spicy noodle for too long. 

After about 10-15 minutes ate that noodles, I quit! Tottaly give up. Yap like my prediction earlier, I didn't finished my noodles. So here's the leftovers pictures. You also can see the chili left behind. 

Dare to try? 

Location: Jln. Mandala utara,Belakang Roxy Square

Thursday, April 22, 2010

God's love letter to Us

I want to share this letter to all of you. Hope this can be a blessing for everyone who read it.

God's letter to us..

You may not know me, but I know everything about you… Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up… Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways… Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered… Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image… Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being… Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring…. Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived… Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation… Ephesians 1: 11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book… Psalm 139:15-16 
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live… Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made… Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother’s womb… Psalm 139:13 
And brought you forth on the day you were born… Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented by those who don’t know me… John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love… I John4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you simply because you are my child and I am your father… 1 John3:1 
I offer you more than your earthlyparents ever could… Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father/mother… Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand… James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs… Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope… Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love… Jeremiah 31:3 
My thoughts towards you are countless as the sand on the seashore… Psalm 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing… Zephania 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you… Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession… Exodus 19:5 
I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul… Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things… Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me… Deuteronomy 4:29 
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart… Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires… Phillipians 2:13
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine… Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager… 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father/Mother who comforts you in all your troubles… 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you… Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close you my heart… Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes and will take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth…. Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus… John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed… John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being… Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you… Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins… 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that I could be reconciled… 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you… I John 4:10
I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love… Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I’ll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen… Luke 15:7
I have always been your Parent, and will always be your Parent… Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is … Will you be my child? John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you … Luke 15:11-32

Sincerely Love,
Your Father 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Marriage -- New chapter of our lives

 Marriage -- New chapter of our lives

Most of every women wants a marriage..I didn't say every women but most of them..I know out there many woman don't want to marry not even crossed in their mind..
But I belong to the first class - woman that wants to get married. Okay I started to think about this when my ages is about 20 or when I'm at college..I imagine I will marry the guy I love, live together, have children, raise them n give them lots of love, become old, marrying my children, have grandson and grand daughter..etc Kind of funny, too far I think when you're 20 and you think about plan like that...

Okay what step should I do to accomplished my dream now :

  1. Find the right man
  2. Make a serious relationship ,recognize your spouse for sure..dont want to choose the wrong guy/ girl rite..
  3. Earn money...(me and my boyfriend of course..prepared if we get married then)
  4. Engaged 
  5. Buy house, etc ( anything that necessary for our future households)
  6. Get Married

It's not easy as I think. Many difficulties come and go just like the wind. Should have more responsibility. Now it's not only just me but "Us". Not just my priority but "Us", Not just my plasure but "Us" too.
It's time to get more mature..grown up.

Me become "Us" now

What do you think you need for marriage?? LOVE. But not that simple. Have you ever heard statement that marriage is when two people become ONE. It's means two personality, two mind, two background become one, mixed as a husband and wife and will become parents.

You must mature enough to have married yet child.. I know love is important also but it's just part of it.. Not just love you should have but also high commitment of each other. To listen and be heard. Trying to understand not just arguing. To be patient and not emotional.
You must also concern about money, to keep up your family wealth, raise your children, send them to school, etc. If you didn't think of it you will ruin your marriage. Most of couples fight and arguing about money too. They don't pay attention 'bout this from the first. In fact money still played role on marriage beside love of course.

I know married is such like open a new chapter of our lives. So it's a step up to the maturity it self. ready for anything and everything. Maybe I'm not ready yet now..
But I'll change..I'll be mature..I'll be ready for our marriage..



Talking about marriage, what kind of marriage you want?
Okay let's just fast forward the time and now I'm on my way to prepare my wedding..How could it be?

I just didn't know how my marriage will be, just wondering a simple outdoor wedding (in garden maybe) many flowers out there..The green colours. The bright yellow sunny. The smell of the flower. The blue sky.
It will be the best wedding ever!!! 
I will submit one of my wedding picture here later..Promise...

How bout your wedding plan?? Let me know ya..share your thoughts here...^^

Wrong Bus

It happened a few days ago.

First of all now I work at my client at Thamrin so I must took Busway to get there. One day I've got some business so I must went home earlier around at 4.00 pm. I took Busway at Bank Indonesia Station and then changed it at Harmoni.Station.

After couples minutes, I should have reached Harmoni station, so I get up from my seat and going down to changed the bus.I should took bus to Kalideres Station, but instead of that, I took bus to Kota Station (the gate is side by side between Kota and Kalideres)

The stupidity came on me..I didnt realized it utill I reached Kota Station.
If you guys think why I did the stupid mistake like that the answer is I didn't pay attention at the street. I got a phone called..

After I realized , it was too late, that I must bought a ticket again and went back to Harmoni..At the end it's not really effected me to went home earlier because it's took the same time liked if I go home at 5.00 pm

Lesson to learn :  NEVER get a phone call when you're at the street

*Sometimes we just too focus on something that make us miss the other things*

Friday, April 9, 2010

Art Galery

Once I'm going to one mall at Jakarta (Grand Indonesia-East Mall) I found a gallery full of painting and arts. I'm walking around and take a look at them. What a great talent they have! Sometimes I'm thinking if I can be one of them.

It makes me flashback to the past when I'm at 2nd grade of Junior High School and there's a subject called art (kesenian-red). We're asked to paint picture with water colour on our drawing book. Owhh it's really difficult to me..I will repeat my paint many times. 
I've got to buy many types of water colour..From the cheapest one, the tube one, the pallete one, till my lovely water color "Pentel" 

Once, I've got a high scored at my paint. It's when we should draw many shapes in the drawing book. After that we must coloring them. The youngest color in the outside until the bright one in the middle. 

I see a unique you see a man lying at the box and holding a bottle of wine. But if you look more accurate the statue's head is pig. 

Title : Aku Ingin Hidup Seribu Tahun Lagi (I Want to live thousand years and more -red)

Title : Fuel 

Type : Acrylic On canvas

Title : I am Superfly

Title : Bukan Aku kamu tapi Kita (Not You but Us -red)

Title : CandyLand

Type : Oil Canvas

Type : Statue
So the painter colourin the statue like this below..

Title : Lady
Looks like a real lady rite...The painter is from Korea.

That's some of the painting photographs. I took There's a lot of paintings there and very georgeous..You must seen it..* For anyone who have an abiliity on painting just develop your talent coz it's a beautifull grace from God

Thursday, April 8, 2010


A couple descriptions about Life


Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it."
And thank God for the life that HE bring to us...

So how hard and difficult your life is..keep strong because GOD will always accompany you till the end.."


Monday, April 5, 2010

MUST HAVE - Flat Shoes


Every womans need a changed on her looks, especially with her shoes. New designs will come everyday that make us difficult to choose.
Otherwise the stilleto and wedges maybe can hurt your feet for longer usage too. So it makes me changed into a girl in FLATS. Although design in flats they still have a fabulous move at your feet. Here they aRe..

This ballerina gold flats will looks fabulous with dress or just a skirt. The metalic clolor makes it shine at your feet

Shocking pink!! Hmm eye catching color with shiny plastic material and stitching around it side will perfect your outfit

The burberry looks hmm one of my favourite. This is the casual simple looks. I love the contrast looks between the black checkering and the red heart at the heels. Defenitely awesome!!

The multicolor canvas shoes with black primary color. Hey they have my first letter name on it...

This combination shoes with the stitching around the side make the flat looks tighter without making them uncomfortable. This flat is a must have i think.

The perfect flat boho style. Mix and match your perfect outfit with skinny jeans and bohemian top. 

This shoes is pretty to wear. With the black metalic ribbon makes it looks more cute at your feet.

These pair of flat balet shoes from burberry. Combine with canvas and black leather skin. Plus they are pink..How could we not love them?? 

This come from guess. This shoes gives a glimpse at your feet that i called it a toe cleavage. This shoes proof that you dont need heels to glimpse your sexy feet.

Jimmy Choo shoes with white leather skin and silver star at everyside makes it looks cute but georgeous. The leather is very soft so they wont hurt skin of the back of your heel

The black and soft pink porcelain combination will look adorable with the metalic ribbon on the toe. Decorate with spread black hole at the side makes me remember my children shoes.

Interesting right knowing that flats is still perfect beside the stilletos or wedges..Have a Try Girls...

Friday, April 2, 2010

How to dress up your dog??

I really love a dog. Any kind of dog maybe..but i prefer golden,terrier or mini pom.I always dreaming about having a dog pets since I was a kid. But none of them become mine till now..HUff -.-". But I owned a  once..

To treat curiosity feels not having a dog till now I write a post about one of them, ShihTzu. How to become a dog stylist for your dog? I published this post to inspired all of you to become their stylist. Do not carry them to the pet saloon but you can created it at home..Coz not just a human want to looks beautiful and cute, a dog also.

There's many dog contests now that demand beautiful and georgeous dogs. You can also enter your stylish dog follow the contest..Maybe you will become the winner..
For any people that have a dog sure wanna make their dog looks beautiful too..But what fit the most to them? IF you have kind of shih tzu that have a long hair maybe you can choose one of this models I present..PICK THAT SUITS YOUR DOG THE BEST OR YOU CAN JUST TRY ALL OF THEM!!

These very beautiful models I present to you. Maybe can help you to style you lovely Shih Tzu. And then carry them to follow a dog contest..GET GOING!!
ps: Hope I will own oone of this..sooo cute...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wedding Preparation #2 : Ready for an Engagement Rings?

As I addicted at wedding and marriage..I addicted too about the wedding gown ( I already post about it before) So I present here an engagement ring as a friend of the wedding gown..ahahaha...
What's an engagement ring? An engagement ring is a ring worn by a women before her marriage. Usually this ring is presented engagement gift from a man to his prospective spouse directly after the woman accept his proposed.

Conventionally the groom buy and choose the engagement ring to be presented to his bride. But now a days many couples choose and buy their own rings together. The price of the engagemnt rings are depend on the material that is used or the designed.

Most engagement rings can be classified according to the style. Diamond have widely used in engagement rings and put in the middle. Anothers used a spread gems around the ring sides.

Here I provide some sort list of engagement rings that maybe useful for you needs.

Get inspired!!

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