
Friday, April 9, 2010

Art Galery

Once I'm going to one mall at Jakarta (Grand Indonesia-East Mall) I found a gallery full of painting and arts. I'm walking around and take a look at them. What a great talent they have! Sometimes I'm thinking if I can be one of them.

It makes me flashback to the past when I'm at 2nd grade of Junior High School and there's a subject called art (kesenian-red). We're asked to paint picture with water colour on our drawing book. Owhh it's really difficult to me..I will repeat my paint many times. 
I've got to buy many types of water colour..From the cheapest one, the tube one, the pallete one, till my lovely water color "Pentel" 

Once, I've got a high scored at my paint. It's when we should draw many shapes in the drawing book. After that we must coloring them. The youngest color in the outside until the bright one in the middle. 

I see a unique you see a man lying at the box and holding a bottle of wine. But if you look more accurate the statue's head is pig. 

Title : Aku Ingin Hidup Seribu Tahun Lagi (I Want to live thousand years and more -red)

Title : Fuel 

Type : Acrylic On canvas

Title : I am Superfly

Title : Bukan Aku kamu tapi Kita (Not You but Us -red)

Title : CandyLand

Type : Oil Canvas

Type : Statue
So the painter colourin the statue like this below..

Title : Lady
Looks like a real lady rite...The painter is from Korea.

That's some of the painting photographs. I took There's a lot of paintings there and very georgeous..You must seen it..* For anyone who have an abiliity on painting just develop your talent coz it's a beautifull grace from God

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