
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Marriage -- New chapter of our lives

 Marriage -- New chapter of our lives

Most of every women wants a marriage..I didn't say every women but most of them..I know out there many woman don't want to marry not even crossed in their mind..
But I belong to the first class - woman that wants to get married. Okay I started to think about this when my ages is about 20 or when I'm at college..I imagine I will marry the guy I love, live together, have children, raise them n give them lots of love, become old, marrying my children, have grandson and grand daughter..etc Kind of funny, too far I think when you're 20 and you think about plan like that...

Okay what step should I do to accomplished my dream now :

  1. Find the right man
  2. Make a serious relationship ,recognize your spouse for sure..dont want to choose the wrong guy/ girl rite..
  3. Earn money...(me and my boyfriend of course..prepared if we get married then)
  4. Engaged 
  5. Buy house, etc ( anything that necessary for our future households)
  6. Get Married

It's not easy as I think. Many difficulties come and go just like the wind. Should have more responsibility. Now it's not only just me but "Us". Not just my priority but "Us", Not just my plasure but "Us" too.
It's time to get more mature..grown up.

Me become "Us" now

What do you think you need for marriage?? LOVE. But not that simple. Have you ever heard statement that marriage is when two people become ONE. It's means two personality, two mind, two background become one, mixed as a husband and wife and will become parents.

You must mature enough to have married yet child.. I know love is important also but it's just part of it.. Not just love you should have but also high commitment of each other. To listen and be heard. Trying to understand not just arguing. To be patient and not emotional.
You must also concern about money, to keep up your family wealth, raise your children, send them to school, etc. If you didn't think of it you will ruin your marriage. Most of couples fight and arguing about money too. They don't pay attention 'bout this from the first. In fact money still played role on marriage beside love of course.

I know married is such like open a new chapter of our lives. So it's a step up to the maturity it self. ready for anything and everything. Maybe I'm not ready yet now..
But I'll change..I'll be mature..I'll be ready for our marriage..



Talking about marriage, what kind of marriage you want?
Okay let's just fast forward the time and now I'm on my way to prepare my wedding..How could it be?

I just didn't know how my marriage will be, just wondering a simple outdoor wedding (in garden maybe) many flowers out there..The green colours. The bright yellow sunny. The smell of the flower. The blue sky.
It will be the best wedding ever!!! 
I will submit one of my wedding picture here later..Promise...

How bout your wedding plan?? Let me know ya..share your thoughts here...^^


Unknown said...

simple bgt cita2 nya sis.
merit, punya anak, sekolah yang bagus. anak merit lagi.

tapi abis merit semua nya jadi more complex..
banyak bgt lah hal2 unpredicted terjadi. so prepare aja klo mau merit

Aurelia Siska said...

@ ming: yupz itu simple banget emank tp itu siklus sein..heheh..abosultely more complex..skrg aj bru pcran udh lil bit complex..two become you agree?? jieee curhat dr yg baru merit nih...^^ saran kritik pak..:D

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