
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hello Red!

For certain period, I always had a long hair and mostly colored black or brown. Then suddenly I decided to make it short (like literally short). I actually a little bit shocked when I saw the result, but never mind this my first time short hair after a very long long ago (frankly speaking, when I was in kindergarten).

To make it more colorful and not boring I decided to color it. I had my hair colored at D'Moze salon at Kelapa Gading recommended by my friend and I made it Red-. I'm using L'oreal Red Magenta color and surprisingly it turned out great.  I totally love it! A very berry bright Red hair I must said. I think I can join cosplay since my hair suit most anime looked.

But the most important thing is my husband loves it so much ha ha.
So here's my (not-so) new look, since I already colored my hair like a week ago. Hope you found it inspiring

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